Actions from Central Area Panel meeting 18th June 2024


Deadline for staff to respond: 1pm on Monday 12th August


All staff please note Date ACTION completed refers to when the requested action is done (or planned to be done if outstanding) not this form is filled in.


Ref & Date Outstanding actions raised



Response including what is completed & outstanding

Is Action Completed or Outstanding?

Date Action completed

or planned completion date?

{CE Admin>>



{Designated officer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>





‘Residents raised concerns that they were not able to vote due to resident chairs position’

+ Verbal brief by Sam at the time regarding area panel terms of ref outlining process for elections

(Possible resolution – provide greater access to information and training sessions regarding the basics of how the area panels operate and how their unique elections are structured eg who is eligible etc)

Sam Nolan

When the new terms of reference was written for Area Panel it was decided that tenants only would be able to vote on EDB and for the resident Co-Chair elections. Leaseholders and other community reps could attend the panels and share their views but would not be able to vote. However, having listened to the feedback from tenants we will be lifting this restriction so that all representatives of tenant and leaseholder groups are able to vote on both EDB and for the resident Co-chair of Area Panels.





‘Including resident inspections in approach to repairs and maintenance’


Grant Ritchie

I am happy to look at a process that will help tenants be more engaged with the Repairs and Maintenance Service. This could include some site visits but I would ask colleagues to remember that most of our repairs are in people's homes so we would need to plan how this would be best managed.





‘Increased communication and co-operation with highways regarding drainage and gutter clearance’


Grant Ritchie

As we discussed at previous meetings we will continue to work with colleagues from Highways on the issue of blocked drains and road gullies. Tenants are encouraged to report issues with road drainage to the Highways Team and issues with drainage on housing land to Repairs and Maintenance.   Report a blocked rain gully or drain (





Follow up to queries regarding CCTV maintenance and charges. – GDPR queries eg, ownership, storage of recordings, accessibility.

Specifically Essex Place/Warwick Mount

Geof Gage

Any CCTV equipment and recordings are secured in locked and secure cabinets with limited access to relevant authorized staff, this is a rolling recording and overwritten. Use of CCTV footage is limited to issues that may arise i.e ASB or serious incident that the police may wish to view. The protocol for police to view includes access requests in writing. There is a yearly maintenance contract in place for the CCTV installs that is one contract across the estate, this is not broken down to blocks.




Provide clarification to Cllr Mcleay regarding how the EPC rate for BHCC properties compared to other Local Authorities,

Geof Gage

Housemark, a data and insight company for the UK housing sector, benchmark the average SAP rating for homes on an annual basis. The most recent result from 2022/23 was 70.2 (out of a maximum possible value of 100) for our ‘peer group’ of local authority landlords, those with at least 10,000 dwellings. The 2023/24 benchmark will become available in autumn this year, once more local authorities have submitted their results to Housemark. The current average SAP score for our own HRA tenanted properties is 74.1.





Provide clarification to Cllr Mcleay regarding the timeframe for the draft of the HIAM Building Safety strategy.

Jane White

The building Safety Strategy is in process and being prepared and in conjunction with our submission of Building case Files, we anticipate completion of all by December 2024




Provide clarification to Warwick Mount residents regarding whether the review (same as CA2) would include considerations for signage.

Emma Gilbert

We need more information from Warwick Mount residents on what signage we need to consider and will be happy to work with residents on this.




Craven Vale residents deem the current process for cleaning stairwells unhygienic and state that the buckets carrying the water are not frequently changed enough, leading to dirty water being used for cleaning.

Chloe Mclaughlin

The product that we use is an aggressive cleaner that has surfactants added that remove dirt particles from the floors and is then deposited in the bucket. This solution allows us to use one bucket of water to clean up to 2-3 low rise blocks. This is dependent on the size of blocks and the type of cleaning carried out. Such as if there were bodily fluids that had to be cleaned then that bucket of water would be disposed of. Or if the block had small landings and corridors then the same bucket could be used to clean 2-3 blocks.


Our approach is consistent across the City and we hope this answers any resident concerns.  




Hampshire Court roof replacement, confirm if this will be in the 2025-26 works programme or current (2024-25), residents expressed desire for the works to be prioritised and brought forward into current programme, GG confirmed this was a possibility and follow up at next panel.

Geof Gage

We are preparing specifications of works and conditional surveys for Hampshire Court external repairs and this includes the roof. At this time we are intending to undertake these works in 2025/26 financial year subject to budget approval. It is not possible to bring this forward into this financial year as the programme is committed and there are no further funds available.




Set up separate meeting/briefing for the Housing Budget Consultation process, residents and resident co-chair agreed with officer assessment of this and confirmation was given that this would be split off into its own separate format as it was too large of an item for HAP consideration.

Craig Garoghan

Currently it is planned to take the initial budget proposals to Area Panels in November, however this can be replaced with specific budget meetings. These will need to be set up. In order for the budget timetable to work the timing would need to be similar to that of the November Area Panels, allowing sufficient time to bring together budget issues and then allow for time afterwards to consider resident concerns.




Windows/Outstanding Works at Essex Place – raised by resident co-chair and TRA’ reps. Requested a full survey for Essex Place. GG Confirmed a planned survey within the next 4 months had been allocated funding.

Geof Gage

We are seeking to procure a specialist window contractor to undertake a survey of the windows at the block and others, this is with our procurement team to source, once we have these in place we will then advise the residents accordingly

